They say the best way to learn something is to dive right in. On my first day as a dev intern, the pool was deep and I could barely dog paddle. Luckily, the members of the Array Health famwill and tim in ugly sweatersily were more than willing to throw me some floaties to help keep me above water. The challenging yet incredibly supportive environment here has been the perfect incubator for a striving developer like myself.

I can only attribute my exponential increase in knowledge to the fact that I am consistently given challenges that push the limits of my abilities. The freedom to explore and experiment with solutions has played a large part in my professional growth; some of these challenges require a higher level of understanding of coding principles, but there is always someone willing to take the time to help guide me in the right direction. I’m finding that, as a result of this hands-on learning process, I am able to solve ever more difficult problems. It is a rewarding, albeit mentally exhausting experience that leaves me eager for more.

While the pace is fast and the volume of work significant, the culture remains friendly and supportive. Late nights of coding are interspersed with tossing footballs in the hall or setting up the longest string telephone I have ever seen. The fun and enthusiastic personalities that I am surrounded by make it a pleasure to come into the office every day. I’m looking forward to the new challenges I’ll face as the company grows, and I continue to value to colleagues and friends I’ve made at Array. I can’t think of a better place to start my dev career. And that’s probably why Array Health made the list of NerdScholar’s top internships in Seattle! See the article announcing the honor here.