Recent news has highlighted that a small number of rogue insurance agents and brokers have manipulated consumers’ Affordable Care Act plans without their approval. While most agents and brokers work tirelessly, and ethically, to support consumers, GetInsured has long recognized the need to have robust guardrails in place to ensure that consumers get the help they need from agents and brokers, while also being protected from unscrupulous behavior. Our integrated solution is designed with this goal in mind. 

Agents and brokers are crucial in state-based health insurance exchanges (SBEs), guiding consumers and small businesses through the health insurance application and enrollment processes. They offer advice on various plans, assist with enrollment, communicate with carriers, and act as advocates for consumers. At GetInsured, we stand firmly behind the agent and broker community. 

Our consumer portal allows individuals to easily find and authorize enrollment professionals—agents, brokers, navigators, and assisters – to act on the consumer’s behalf and keep their information safe. We offer simple explanations through educational hover over text of the actions these professionals can take on the consumer’s account and capture the consumer’s affirmation(consent) that they agree to designate the enrollment professional to act on their behalf. This affirmative consent process reduces risks for consumers by providing clarity on the agents’ access, while providing consumers with a clear pathway to revoke that access. 

Agents and brokers access the same platform as consumers through a dedicated portal to support their clients. This direct access empowers SBE staff to efficiently monitor and manage the agents and brokers who are licensed to do business on the Exchange. 

Our contact center staff also operates on the platform. Contact center staff can also help review consumer accounts quickly to ensure that only designated agents/brokers can receive support for their clients through the contact center. Additionally, contact center staff can receive three-way calls from consumers and their enrollment professional, authenticate both, and then designate the enrollment professional to the consumer’s account in the platform.