At GetInsured, we are dedicated to partnering with our state clients to make health insurance accessible to all eligible Americans through innovative technology. Our SaaS-based platform has revolutionized the public health care IT sector, making us the leading provider of state-based exchange (SBE) technology. Technology alone, though, is not enough; we believe that strong partnerships are one of the most critical components of success. By working closely with our clients, we ensure that our solutions meet their unique needs and drive meaningful outcomes.  

In the dynamic landscape of SaaS providers, choosing the right vendor is crucial for a successful transition to a state-based health exchange. By aligning with a vendor that understands your goals and consistently delivers quality solutions, we collectively lay the groundwork for sustained success. In addition to the many technological and operational benefits that come with partnering with GetInsured, our team is drawn from many former state exchange executives and embodies a culture of genuine customer care. 

Unmatched Experience 

Implementing a state-based exchange is no small task, so selecting a vendor with demonstrated experience is critical for success. We have successfully transitioned five states from the federally facilitated exchange (FFE) to an SBE, including Idaho, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and soon Georgia, our sixth and the largest to date. Additionally, we have the distinction of successfully managing multiple transitions of states from one technology platform to another, including the state of Minnesota. Our robust playbook of best practices, assets, and processes are field-tested and proven to deliver risk-free transitions. Our expertise includes exceptional data migration, with metrics and proof points available for scrutiny. We also offer substantial support for broker books of business and carrier migration, reducing disruptions and ensuring continuity for consumers, brokers, and carriers.  

A Collaborative Approach 

Unlike larger firms that often deliver costly and hard to maintain custom solutions, GetInsured takes pride in our collaborative, client-centric and flexible approach. Our solution is a comprehensive cloud-based software platform, built on years of experience addressing states’ unique challenges so we ensure our solution delivers exactly what you need. We constantly refresh our platform to ensure it meets architectural standards and software best practices, ensuring best-in-class performance. We also collaborate with states to discuss needs regularly to build out future improvements, which minimizes the need for costly change requests. 

Integrated Exchange Platform and Call Center 

Our integrated platform and call center ensure accurate and up-to-date enrollment data and self-service capabilities for all stakeholders. The continuous improvement of our call center functionality, enhanced with Artificial Intelligence, ensures that SBEs adapt to the evolving needs of its users. This integration between the exchange platform and call center means we can seamlessly transition between technology and human support to provide personalized, contextual customer service.  

This integrated model not only enhances operational efficiency and service quality but also simplifies resource allocation, providing SBEs with clear accountability and consumers with a seamless experience. 

Our partnership also extends to the state’s economy by prioritizing in-state hiring for our call center. We hire and train local call center agents so that our workforce is diverse, skilled, and understands the specific needs of states’ residents. 

Your End-to-End Solution Provider 

States desire an end-to-end vendor, and GetInsured delivers an “all-in-one” solution that meets your state’s needs for a smooth transition to a state-based exchange. Our user-friendly tools and solutions cater to consumers, agents, customer service representatives, and administrative users alike. At GetInsured, we are more than just a vendor—we are your partner every step of the way.