Opt Out

If you want to opt out from receiving marketing communications, or if you want to revoke any prior authorization you have given to receive such communications, please complete and submit an opt-out request form below.  Please note that if you are looking to apply for or enroll in insurance coverage through an Exchange, you cannot opt out of providing personal identifiable information. 

    Delete Information – You may only request to delete your information if you have never applied for health insurance through (our or GetInsured?) platform. If the requested Information is no longer available or cannot be modified or deleted using reasonably commercial means, or if the burden or expense of deleting it would be disproportionate to the risks to you, we may deny your request and we will provide you an explanation for this denial. GetInsured will provide a response to your request no later than 40 days from the date of request.

    Revoke authorization – If you have given to us an authorization to use or disclose your Insurance Information in a specific manner, you have the right to revoke that authorization, at any time. GetInsured will provide a response to your request no later than 40 days from the date of request.

    Block marketing communications – If you no longer wish to receive marketing information or communications from us or our affiliates entities, you can unsubscribe from our distribution list by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the communications that you receive from us.

    Request Personal Data – You may request your data that GetInsured has stored for the purpose of determining eligibility for the marketplace, GetInsured will provide a response to your request no later than 40 days from the date of request.

    Request Personal Data – You may request your data that GetInsured has stored for the purpose of determining eligibility for the marketplace, GetInsured will provide a response to your request no later than 40 days from the date of request.

    Amend or Correct your Information – If you wish to amend, correct, or substitute, Information maintained or stored by us, please contact us as indicated in the Contact Us section at the bottom of the page.