Press Release

NFP Marketplace Expands Health Insurance Options

By |2014-11-24T08:46:38-05:00Monday, November 24, 2014|

NFP, a leading insurance broker and consultant that provides employee benefits, property & casualty, retirement, and individual insurance and wealth management solutions, today announced the expansion of NFP Marketplace, a private exchange designed to

Array Health and Corporate Call Center Inc. to Offer Full-Service Consumer Support Capability

By |2018-12-13T13:53:31-05:00Thursday, October 16, 2014|

SEATTLE, WA – October 16, 2014 – Array Health and Corporate Call Center Inc. (CCC) jointly announced a partnership that will allow Array Health to provide a Consumer Service Center for insurers that are using the Array private exchange solution. The Consumer Service Center will deliver inbound and outbound call services, call volume management, scripting integration, call recording, TTY system and language line support.