SaaSifying Public Sector Healthcare IT

GetInsured’s mission is to enable access to affordable health insurance for every American by bringing modern technology to public and private healthcare delivery programs. We’re a market-leading end-to-end service provider of SaaS technology for public sector healthcare, seamlessly integrated consumer assistance center operations, and implementation and project management services.

3 million Americans enrolled across 8 states

GetInsured’s technology platform is mature and spans implementations in eight state-based marketplaces across the country, including State-Based Marketplaces in Idaho, Washington, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania—and launching this year—Georgia, and Virginia, making them the leader in State-Based Marketplace technology.

What our partners are saying

“I’m happy to report that Pennie transitioned the accounts of hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians from and launched the exchange and call center on time. This is an incredible and historic accomplishment which would not have been possible without our partner, GetInsured.”

Zachary Sherman
Executive Director, PennieTM

MNsure Logo

“Throughout all phases of our transition, we could count on the GetInsured team to prioritize and focus resources on the task, or tasks, at hand. They were not only responsive, but at the end of the day, they were – and continue to be – a great strategic business partner.”

Nathan Clark
Executive Director, MNsure

Making the enrollment process user-friendly, while keeping costs low for both Idahoans and the state of Idaho are our top priorities at Your Health Idaho. GetInsured’s proven and innovative SaaS platform and wealth of experience working with state-based exchanges continues to make them an integral partner to Your Health Idaho.”

Pat Kelly
Executive Director,        Your Health Idaho

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